Ok, so I might be skipping ahead slightly in Home Ec sewing class terms, but sometimes needs must! :)

I bought this top last week on a bit of a whim (without bothering to try it on). I was already running late for a night out and figured I could just buy something and shove it on quickly. Big mistake! Despite looking lovely on the hanger, this top looked positively awful on me. Bleurgh.

I have a kind of hour glass figure and should really know better by now; anything baggy around the waist does nothing for me! Normally I would have chucked the top to the back of the wardrobe and forgotten about it, but after seeing some of the fab alterations from our class I thought I'd give it a whirl. Plus detail like this is far too nice to be hidden away :)

As I had no one to help me pin the top whilst I was wearing it, I found an old top that fits really well and placed it on top, pinning around the edge. It's a little bit scary having to cut up something you've just bought, but I bit the bullet and did it anyway.

Finally, I found some of this lovely lace (Mum's stash again!) and added it to the bottom. It's still a tad too short to wear as a dress, but works perfectly with a pair of leggings!
Now, I just need to find an excuse to wear it...
Hi! thanks for the comment love. I saw this picture in the flickr group the other day and I was so impressed wiht your work! great job!! love your blog background. :)