I've decided to make everyone's presents this year (something I will no doubt regret later). I always get a bit worried about making gifts; will they turn out OK, will the recipient like them, will I get them done in time? Last year I was up 'til all hours on Christmas Eve, frantically printing out family calenders left, right and centre and I'm determined that this year will be more organised! Haha, yeah right..
Anyways, things have started well; here comes gift number one. Sis, look away NOW! ;)

My Sister loved the fabric that I used for the tote project in Home Ec and I was lucky enough to have some left over. I found this fab bag pattern over at sewingwithme and couldn't wait to get stuck in.

It's a really cute bag, and was fairly easy to put together. I had a mild dilemma when I realised I'd cut the pattern upside down (that'll teach me for doing things late at night), and I didn't quite have enough of the green fabric for the strap (I ended up joining two pieces together).

But, I'm still happy with the end result. Hopefully the sister will agree.

So, the count down to Christmas has begun, anyone else making gifts this year? :)